
Membership Benefits:

  • Free entrance to all Society meetings and lectures, except the annual Day School and special outings which are chargeable.
  • Use of our extensive library of books and DVD’s
  • Occasional e-mail bulletins with news about Ancient Egypt
  • TESSA has a facebook page, filled with articles on Ancient Egypt sourced from all over the world wide web.
  • In addition members receive discounts at certain bookshops and on tours and travel to Egypt.

Society Membership – Membership Categories & Cost Structure  From 1st November to 31st October.

  • Ordinary membership & Foreign – R135 p.a. (After May 1st R80; applicable to new members only)
  • Student membership – R65 p.a. with copy of student registration required; age limit of 27 years.
  • Corporate membership – R450 p.a.

You may download a membership form by clicking on the button below.

The Egyptian Society of South Africa – Library

Whether you seek to study mainline Egyptology, examine an altered time-frame in the concept of the New Chronology, see Egypt from the more spiritual perspective of the esoteric Hermetica, or see her through contemporary eyes as other nations in the ancient world viewed Egypt, the choice is yours. With such a variety to choose from, there is something here for everyone. See you at the library!

Colleen Cox   TESSA Librarian




  1. A member may borrow one book at a time, for ONE MONTH only, which must be returned before another book can be borrowed.
  2. If the book on loan is not returned the following month, then a R5 fine (per month) will be levied.
  3. A book may be renewed upon request, either on or before the due date of the Society meeting. Thereafter, a R5 fine will be levied.
  4. A book may be renewed TWICE ONLY, thereby granting the borrower an extended loan (in total) for a maximum of three months, (unless the book has been reserved). Thereafter,  a fine will be levied at R5 per month, and no further loans will be granted until the book has been returned.
  5. Should a book be lost or damaged, the borrower is required to:
    a) replace the book with an appropriate substitute in the same category, upon a loss, or
    b) replace a badly damaged book with an appropriate substitute, or pay R10 towards repair expenses for minor damage.


  1. A member may borrow one A/V title for ONE MONTH only.
  2. If the title is not returned the following month a R15 fine will be levied.
  3. An extended loan may be requested, up to a maximum of one further month only, in which case a R10 loan extension fee will be levied.
  4. If a CD/DVD is lost or damaged the borrower will be required to:
    a) In the case of a commercial title; replace the CD/DVD with an appropriate substitute in the same category.
    b) In the case of a CD/DVD, the borrower will be liable to a fine of  R30.

For one month only. However, it must be noted that upon renewal of a book and a CD/DVD simultaneously, the A/V title loan extension fee will automatically apply.

In the case of members returning a book or CD/DVD  outside of the TESSA Library’s lending hours, these must be returned either directly to the Librarian or the Assistant Librarian. Failing that, to any other bona fida TESSA Committee member, with the full acknowledgement thereof being divulged to the Librarian. On no account should any other 3rd party be involved, including St. Georges Grammar School, which is in no way affiliated to the Society.


The establishment and maintenance of the Society’s valuable lending and reference library is very expensive and has cost literally tens of thousands of rands. All incoming money, be it on extended loans, fines or even donations, are used to help purchase tape and glue etc., and other items used for book maintenance and repairs.